Mechanical / Manufacturing positions Training and placements LLC
Hi Guys,
We are offering our Training at very low price in the market.
All the Domains. Here its mandatory to take training in all the Domains. We provide the Marketing and Placements Assistance
Well Experienced Trainers with Five Domains: (Presently the Trainers are On-project)
- Design Engineer.
- Manufacturing Engineer.
- Quality, Safety Tools.
- Problem Solving.
- Project Management.
Our main goal is to give the Best service than other in market.
“Trust us surely we will make your Mechanical dream Happen”.
- Protect your Visa status.
- Provide quality training with 5 Trainers expertized with 5 domains in Mechanical.
- Trainers are well experienced and presently on On Project with BIG-3 Ford, GM, Chrysler.
- Give you a brief knowledge on what the Mechanical market is in USA
- Guide you until you are ON-Project.
- Provide you in-house project for Hands on Experience.
Thanks & Regards
SRINIVAS | Resource.

32770,Grand River Avenue,
Suit #206B,
Farmington Hills , Mi-48336.
Direct: 734-928-2190
Office : 562-348-6827

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Price : $ 0.00
Posted on : Aug 29, 2017