Sathya Sai Baba , the 2nd of the Sai Avatar trilogy descended to Earth to teach, to inspire and to help man realize and accept that we too are God. He has come to spread the message that unity of all religions is the only place where peace can be found. He urges us to strengthen the roots of our own faith and represent the religion of our birth with full devotion and sincerity
“Let the different faiths exist, let them flourish, let the glory of God be sung in all languages in a variety of tunes. That should be the ideal. Respect the differences between the faiths and recognize them as valid so far as they do not extinguish the flame of unity.”
Born Tuesday, November 23, 1926 in a remote village in Southern Indian known as, Puttaparthi, His life has been a constant manifestation of His Divinity and an example on the ideal human life.
On April 24, 2011, Sathya Sai Baba after 85 years in human form, left His physical body to attain Mahasamadhi. Mahasamadhi is the conscious departure from the physical body of a realized soul who’s body is buried at the same location where their legacy was imprinted.
“Let the different faiths exist, let them flourish, let the glory of God be sung in all languages in a variety of tunes. That should be the ideal. Respect the differences between the faiths and recognize them as valid so far as they do not extinguish the flame of unity.”
Born Tuesday, November 23, 1926 in a remote village in Southern Indian known as, Puttaparthi, His life has been a constant manifestation of His Divinity and an example on the ideal human life.
On April 24, 2011, Sathya Sai Baba after 85 years in human form, left His physical body to attain Mahasamadhi. Mahasamadhi is the conscious departure from the physical body of a realized soul who’s body is buried at the same location where their legacy was imprinted.

His Humanitarian Efforts
"You can observe me and my activities and adhere to righteousness, moral order, truth and compassion. This is what I desire you to learn from me...My life is My message."
Through example, Sathya Sai Baba continues to inspire millions of devotees “that service to man is service to God.” He has anchored the roots of the fundamental principle“Hands that help are holier than lips that pray.” Serving is indeed worshiping. Through His grace and blessings, service projects continue to multiply by the hundreds and span every border, every religion and every belief. In India alone, Sathya Sai Baba has imparted numerous service projects from free hospitals, free primary, secondary and college education, water purification systems, free housing and disaster relief operations, to only name a few.
His selfless love and compassion is a beacon that has lit up the darkness of the Kali Yuga. Swami has stated that the highest means for enhancing one’s own spiritual growth and development is to serve others. The opportunity itself is a gift from God.
Transpiring every corner of the globe of more than 160 countries worldwide, the hands of the devotees stamps the hallmark of love solidifying Baba’s message of “Love All Serve All”.
Sathya Sai Baba remains a living presence, an inspiration, a guide, and most of all a cherished, endearing and intimately felt divine presence in the hearts of millions who knew Him.
Although Sai Baba may not be here in physical form, He is closer to us than ever before.
An honor, a blessing and a privilege it is to be part of the glorious Sai Family. Living and honoring His message is the ultimate tribute to the friend who loves usunconditionally.
Swami has urged mankind to:
1. Believe in God.
2. Sincerely follow your chosen religion and live the life with the teachings of good behavior and morality.
3. Respect all other religions.
4. Perform selfless service to the poor, the sick, and the needy without thought of reward or fame.
5. Cultivate and promote the values of truth, divine love, right conduct, peace, and nonviolence.
6. Respect the laws of the country in which you live.
Sathya Sai Baba doesn’t say that we need to become ascetics and retreat from the world. Rather, He teaches us “That the world is our school, the five human values our curriculum, and the realization of the unity of Godliness in the diversity of Creation “ our ultimate lesson.